We’re happy to announce that on May 6th 2022, we will have the great pleasure to host a talk with Mikkel Reher-Langberg.
In this evening’s presentation, Mikkel will offer an overview of Davanloo’s publications and the historical development of his model of ISTDP, as well as an attempted systematization of his metapsychology. Following that, we will invite participants to engage in a discussion of what our community stands to gain from a ”return to Davanloo”.

Mikkel Reher-Langberg is a psychologist and president of the Danish ISTDP Society. In 2018, he published a book on Freud’s concept of the self, Faces of the Freudian ‘I’: The Structure of the Ego in Psychoanalysis. Together with some colleagues, he has been running the private clinic Emotion center in Copenhagen for a few years now.
This event is hosted my Malmö Center for ISTDP, MCI.
Time and date: 18.00-19.30 on May 6th. Doors open at 17.30.
Place: Malmö ISTDP-mottagning, Amiralsgatan 20 (våning 5), Malmö
Cost: 50 SEK
Registration: Please –Click here– and fill out the short form. Payment information will follow.